
来源 :铜仁地委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stslayer
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农村,特别是少数民族地区农村,有原始的自然生态环境,有历史悠久的文化遗产,那些原本自生自长,封闭在民族集团内部的传统文化,由于旅游开发,其价值不仅被重新认识,而且将被赋予新的社会、经济和文化意义,是发展乡村旅游的重要资源。 In rural areas, especially in the rural areas of ethnic minority areas, there are primitive natural ecological environments and historic cultural heritages. Those traditional cultures that were originally self-reliant and closed within ethnic groups have not only been re-recognized for their value as tourism development, but also Will be given new social, economic and cultural significance and is an important resource for the development of rural tourism.
记者从国土资源部获悉,我国页岩气开发的产能,在2013年的基础上将有大幅突破,预计今明两年,我国页岩气产能可以实现《页岩气发展规划(2011-2015年)》中提出的“到2015年页岩气产能将达65亿立方米”的目标。  据悉,去年我国页岩气开发首次取得实际产能突破,但全年产气量仅2亿立方米。国家能源局新近印发的《关于印发2014年能源工作指导意见的通知》提出2014年我国页岩气生产量15亿立方米,这