“十月怀胎,一朝分娩”.男人说起来轻松愉快,颇有点“水到渠成、瓜熟蒂落”的意味。然而在长达280天妊娠期中,多数孕妇会遇到一些程度不同的功能性或病理性问题,故将为人母的孕妇应注意下列几种现象: 一、腹痛:妊娠早期(孕三个月内),突然出现下腹部持续性疼痛,伴有恶心、呕吐、面色苍白、昏厥等。多是宫外孕的信号,应立即送医院。
“Pregnancy in October, once the childbirth.” Men say relaxed, quite a bit “ripe, ripe” means. However, during up to 280 days of gestation, most pregnant women will encounter some degree of functional or pathological problems. Therefore, pregnant women who are mothers should pay attention to the following phenomena: First, abdominal pain: early pregnancy (within three months of pregnancy ), Sudden lower abdomen persistent pain, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, pale, fainting and so on. More ectopic pregnancy signal, should be immediately sent to the hospital.