孕妇过多地食用肉类、蛋类、鱼贝类、精面粉、巧克力、白糖等酸性食物,体液就会酸性化,使血中儿茶酚胺水平增高,可引起孕妇烦躁不安、爱发脾气、易感伤等消极情绪。而这种消极情绪又可使母体内的激素和其他有害物质分泌增加,给腹中胎儿带来不良影响。国外曾有人对500例胎儿发育异常的产妇做过调查,结果发现与孕妇情绪有关的竟占47%,是导致唇裂、腭裂以及其他器官发育畸形的一个重要原因。 4岁进汉阳大学的南朝鲜“神童”金雄焙的母亲曾谈到,孕妇应
Excessive consumption of pregnant women, meat, eggs, fish and shellfish, flour, chocolate, white sugar and other acidic foods, body fluids will be acidic, so that blood levels of catecholamines can cause irritability in pregnant women, love temper, susceptible to injury And other negative emotions. This negative emotions in turn can increase the secretion of hormones and other harmful substances in the mother, adverse effects on the fetus in the abdomen. Abroad, there were 500 cases of fetal abnormalities have been investigated, and found that 47% of pregnant women actually accounted for emotion, leading to cleft lip, cleft palate and other organ development and deformity is an important reason. 4-year-old Hanyang University South Korea “prodigy ” Jinxiong baking mother had said that pregnant women should