Numerical simulation of the temperature field of titania-bearing BF slag heated in a microwave oven

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuan461618
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Considering the characteristic of selective heating of microwave and the treatment of titania-bearing BF slag, a mathematical model for the heating of a slag specimen is developed. The temperature distribution in the specimen is studied by numerical simulation. The temperature in the center of the cylindrical slag specimen is the highest and the temperature decreases when the radius increases rapidly. In this case, the temperature rising rate decreases with heating time rapidly, and it tends to zero when the heating time is up to 150 s. Considering the characteristic of selective heating of microwave and the treatment of titania-bearing BF slag, a mathematical model for the heating of a slag specimen is developed. The temperature distribution in the specimen is studied by numerical simulation. The temperature in the center of the cylindrical slag specimen is the highest and the temperature decreases when the radius increases rapidly. In this case, the temperature rising rate decreases with the heating time rapidly, and it tends to zero when the heating time is up to 150 s.
相传,皮影戏始于汉代。汉武帝刘彻感伤爱妃李夫人之死。有道士假托法术召魂,以悦皇上。入夜,置烛火于帐后,投射李夫人生前之影像。汉武帝隔帐观之,传神之至,一时真假难辨,叹曰:“是耶?非耶?立而望之,偏何姗姗其来迟!”  相传,皮影戏盛于宋代。有史料记载了这样的盛况,“每有放影,儿童喧呼,终夕不绝。”相传,公元1781年,德国大诗人歌德在他的生日宴会上演出过源自中国的皮影戏。  千百年来,皮影戏以其独特