1病例资料患者,男,75岁。主因发现血糖升高1个月,口干3d入院。患者入院1个月前因“突发高血压伴右丘脑出血”于我院神经外科住院治疗期间发现血糖升高,空腹血糖最高达8.23 mmol/L、餐后2h血糖最高达24.8mmol/L,诊断为糖尿病,给予口服盐酸二甲双胍及那格列奈降糖治疗,血糖未控制理想出院。入院3d前感口干、乏力,来我院门诊查血糖高收入病房。入院查体:体温36.6℃,脉搏73
1 case information patients, male, 75 years old. Mainly due to the discovery of elevated blood sugar for 1 month, dry mouth 3d admission. Patients admitted to hospital 1 month ago because of sudden hypertension and right hypothalamic hemorrhage in our hospital neurosurgery during hospitalization found that elevated blood glucose, fasting blood glucose up to 8.23 mmol / L, 2h postprandial blood glucose up to 24.8mmol / L, diagnosed with diabetes, given oral metformin hydrochloride and nateglinide hypoglycemic treatment, blood glucose uncontrolled ideal discharged. Pre-admission 3d sense of dry mouth, fatigue, to our hospital outpatient check high blood sugar ward. Admission examination: body temperature 36.6 ℃, pulse 73