油葵具有产量高、品质优、效益好等特点,占新疆吉木乃县经济作物播种面积的53%以上,平均产量230 kg/667m2,出油率40%以上,是新疆吉木乃县的主要经济作物。但是吉木乃县水资源匮乏,满足不了油葵各生育期水分的需求。因此,推广膜下滴灌节水技术是解决农作物缺水的主要措施之一。
Oil sunflower has the characteristics of high yield, good quality and good efficiency, accounting for more than 53% of the sown area of cash crops in Jimunai County of Xinjiang with an average yield of 230 kg / 667m2 and an oil extraction rate of over 40%, which is the major economy of Jimunai County in Xinjiang crop. However, there is a shortage of water resources in Jimunai County, which can not meet the demand for water during the growth stages of oil sunflower. Therefore, to promote the technology of drip irrigation under film is one of the main measures to solve the shortage of crops.