一是重施有机肥。在秋冬季土壤上冻前或春季土壤解冻后,采用挖环状沟、条状沟、穴状沟的方法施入基肥,施肥深度25~30cm。基肥以腐熟的农家肥为主,适量加入速效化肥(过磷酸钙、硼砂、硫酸亚铁等),盛果期树667m2施优质有机肥5 000kg。二是科学追肥。分别于萌芽期、开花前、果实迅速膨大期进行树下追肥,以磷、钾肥为主,年追肥2~3次,施肥后及时浇水,并结合用药进行叶面喷肥。积极推广配方施肥,在叶片分析确定各种元素含量的基础上,根据深州蜜桃优质丰产的叶片矿质营养元素标准值,确定营养平衡配比方案,实现果园的高产、优质和高效生产。
First, heavy organic fertilizer. In the autumn and winter soil thawing in the soil before or after thawing in the spring, the use of digging ring-shaped ditch, strip ditch, acme ditch method applied to the base fertilizer, fertilizer depth 25 ~ 30cm. Basal fertilizer to decompose the main farm manure, appropriate amount of quick-acting fertilizer (superphosphate, borax, ferrous sulfate, etc.), Sheng fruiting tree 667m2 high-quality organic fertilizer 5000kg. Second, scientific top-dressing. Respectively in the bud, before flowering, the fruit quickly swollen period under the tree top-dressing, phosphorus, potassium-based, the top dressing 2 to 3 times, after fertilization and timely watering, combined with the medication foliar fertilizer. Actively promote the formula fertilization, based on the leaf analysis to determine the content of various elements, according to the standard value of mineral nutrient elements in deep peach high yield and quality leaves, determine the nutrition balance ratio scheme to achieve high yield, high quality and efficient production of orchards.