2012年8月12日凌晨,一个来自中东的越洋电话打进位于日本东京都杉并区的一家住宅。宅子的主人山本孝治接起了电话,他知道自己那个经常奔走在世界各地的女儿此时正在中东一带采访。山本美香告诉父亲,她正在土耳其的一座小城,周围景色优美,一片和平宁静,她正打算从那里进入叙利亚北部地区采访。每到一个新地方,山本美香总会打电话告诉父亲自己的行踪与在当地的感受,1 6年来这个习惯一直没有改变。
On the morning of August 12, 2012, an overseas phone call from the Middle East scored a home located in Suginami, Tokyo, Japan. Yamamoto’s owner, Yamamoto Koji, picked up and he knew his daughter, who often runs around the world, is now interviewing in the Middle East. Yamamoto Mika told her father she is in a small town in Turkey, surrounded by beautiful scenery, peace and tranquility, she is planning to enter the northern Syria from there to interview. Everywhere a new place, Yamamoto Mizuho always called to tell his father whereabouts and the feelings of the local, 16 years, this habit has not changed.