中国有句谚语:“书读三代必发,财发三代必垮.” 将读书和发财相提并论,似乎是中国人独有的偏好.但这必发和必垮咒语,从某个角度看来,似乎也有相互的关系.这里只着重讨论“财发三代必垮”这一观点.家族企业发展理论一直以来,中外学者都尝试以各种方法——例如中国的文化内涵、家庭制度去解释和找出中国家族企业“短命” 的原由.比较日本和中国的家族企业,发现日本一些大型的家族企业如伊势丹、松坂屋、三越、大丸、武田制药等都是过百年的老店,部分更有二三百年的历史.而在中国的家族企业不要说逾百年,就是有半个世纪寿命的亦凤毛麟角、少而又少.
There is a proverb in China that reads: “Three generations of books will be issued, and the three generations of wealth will collapse.” To compare reading and making a fortune seems to be a Chinese preference, but it must and must collapse. From a certain point of view, There seems to be mutual relations .There only focuses on the “fortune three generations will collapse.” The theory of family business has been the Chinese and foreign scholars have tried to use various methods - such as China's cultural connotation, family system to explain and find Chinese family business “short-lived.” Comparing Japanese and Chinese family-owned enterprises found that some large Japanese family-owned enterprises such as Isetan, Matsuzakaya, Mitsukoshi, Daimaru, Takeda are all over 100 years old and some are more Two or three hundred years of history.While in China, family businesses do not say more than a century, that is, life expectancy of half a century is rare, few and fewer.