丝路先锋 擘画未来

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  The Belt and Road is sailing forward across the peaceful ocean in strong tailwind.
  The blueprint for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been completed from framework and outline to details, and gradually delivered fruitful results.
  In the past six years, China’s BRI circle of friends has expanded to over 150 countries and more than 90 international organizations. China’s trade volume with countries along the route totals more than USD 6 trillion. In the past six years, the results of the First Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) have been successfully implemented, and BRI has become the world’s most popular international public product and the largest platform for international cooperation.
  An ancient Chinese philosopher observed that “plants with strong roots grow well, and efforts with the right focus will ensure success.” BRI is exactly conducted in line with its roots.
  On April 26, President Xi Jinping stated at the opening ceremony of the Second BRF: “Going ahead, we need to be guided by the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration, pursue open, green and clean ideals, and achieve high-standard and sustainable goals beneficial to people’s livelihood, so as to promote high-quality and joint construction of BRI.”
  To start a new journey of high-quality and joint construction of BRI, we should aspire to high quality, high standards and high level, creating more institutional arrangements in line with the needs of high-quality development for broader and high-quality partnerships.
  To start a new journey of high-quality and joint construction of BRI, we should continue to strengthen connectivity in infrastructure sector, continuously deepen innovation, exchanges and cooperation, conducting every project of BRI based on the concept of green and sustainable development.
  To start a new journey of high-quality and joint construction of BRI, practitioners, from diplomacy to commerce, from central enterprises to private enterprises, from hinterland to frontier, should steadily and firmly move forward. Looking ahead, the joint construction of BRI will surely embrace a better future!
合作媒体:中共重庆市委当代党员杂志社   中共四川省委四川党的建设杂志社   一带一路报道杂志社   联合报道组成员:蒋炀、许幼飞、唐浚中、彭纳、雷怡安、向雯、李卉嫔   巴山之下,蜀水之滨,孕育出了爽直的巴国人,也滋养了质朴的蜀国人。早在先秦时期,巴蜀作为地区名和地方政权名,成为今四川省和重庆市的统称。东部为巴,西部为蜀。同饮一江水的巴蜀子民时至今日都拥有相似的文化基因,说着类似的语言,也有着相
During his just concluded visit to Russia, President Xi Jinping once again refuted the hypothesis of “clash of civilizations”, according to which people’s cultural and religious identities will be the
一切宏大主题的书写都离不开细小章节的精彩着墨。   西部陆海新通道的打造成了成渝双城经济圈发力的点睛之笔。其北接丝绸之路经济带,南连21世纪海上丝绸之路,协同衔接长江经济带,双城经济圈在区域协调发展格局中因此具有的重要战略地位尤为凸显。南向通江達海的大通道,仅仅是重庆立体交通网络打造的一个环节,另一方面,向西延展,朝着西部腹地延伸,与成都交通网络连接起来,是重庆几年间纵深发展的重中之重。   而成
At the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on June 15, President Xi Jinping promised that China will follow a road of peaceful development, cont
在区域经济发展水平提高的过程中,产业结构的优化升级往往起着决定性作用。推动成渝地区双城经济圈建设的重大决策,无疑又一次把成都和重庆推到了合作共赢的新起点。那么,在“成渝双城经济圈"这一新的政策语境下,两地产业发展将如何取长补短、合作共赢?两地将如何发挥带动作用,引领西部高质量发展成为当下重要命题。   超级产业集群   20世纪80年代初,中国东部沿海城市率先承接全球产业转移发展外向型经济。200
创新,是今日中国发展的高频词,也是成渝地区高质量发展的关键。近几年成渝地区在创新方面加大投入,建立成都科学城、绵阳科学城、重庆两江新区协同创新区等,但离中央的要求“使成渝地区成为具有全国影响力的重要科技创新中心”还有一段很长的距离。如何进一步提升成渝地区创新竞争力,两地相关负责人均表示,重点在协同,要集聚用好科技创新资源,采取共享、共建、共推等方式抓好区域协同创新工作。   在共同营造创新环境、搭
楔子  出来!出来!  我师傅朝身在锅里的我厉声呵斥了两句。声音很大。一股煤灰烟尘随之被震落,从锅炉顶部雪崩一样扑簌簌地滑落,劈头盖脸地砸在了我头上,我被呛得有些喘不过气来。  我师傅急眼了!  我们正在安装体积庞大,重达几十吨的锅炉,可是锅炉的两个部分却怎么也对不上口。我怀疑是不是两个部分的尺寸根本就不一致,因为拆旧利废的物件往往是这样。  出来!  他终于忍无可忍了。一把把我薅了出来,骂了句:
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中国是多边贸易体制的积极参与者、坚定支持者和重要贡献者。改革开放40年来,中国开放的大门越开越大,开放的举措也给世界带来了越来越多的发展机遇。对此,国际社会有目共睹,高度赞赏。  中国提出“一带一路”倡议,倡导“共商共建共享”原则,推进贸易便利化、专业化和贸易畅通,推动全球化朝开放、包容、平衡、普惠、共赢方向发展,推动国际规则的包容性改革。世界银行等国际机构的最新研究表明,“一带一路”合作将使全球
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