在山姆·戈登“经济学世界”的课堂上,学生们低声地交谈着,等着山姆的出现。高年级选修课的最后一堂课通常都是很喧闹的,可是学生们在等待的过程中逐渐地安静下来了。他们都听说山姆就要离开爱德华学校了。 当山姆最后一次走进他的教室时,看上去一反常态的疲惫。他的面孔显露出他昨晚没怎么睡觉。和他平时的步伐相比,他的动作好像迟缓了一些。他深深地吸了一口气,努力地激起一些活力。 “今天我们要谈一谈政府规定的最后一个方面,环境政策。基于你们所了解的我对公共政策的看法,你们认为我是反对环境政策呢,还是赞成呢?” “反对!”同学们异口同声地说。
In Sam Gordon’s “World of Economics” class, students whispered to talk, waiting for Sam to appear. The final lesson in the upper electives is usually noisy, but the students are gradually quieting while waiting. They all heard that Sam was about to leave Edward School. When Sam walked into his classroom for the last time, it looked unusually tired. His face revealed how he did not sleep much last night. Compared with his usual pace, his action seems to be a little slow. He took a deep breath and worked hard to arouse some vitality. “Today we want to talk about the last aspect of the government’s stipulation, the environmental policy. Based on what you know about public policy, do you think I am opposed to environmental policy or agree with it?” “Opposition!” The students unanimously Say it.