The Stylistic Appreciation of “The Solitary Reaper”

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  【Abstract】Based on the knowledge of the stylistics, this paper is designed to have a better understanding of the author and the poem after a general comprehension of the phonological devices and language.
  【Key words】stylistics; meter; rhyme; language; Image
  I. Introduction
  In the Prelude to Lyrical Ballads, William Wordsworth maintained that poetry should be written in more ordinary language and simpler form that all classes might appreciate it. The Solitary Reaper exemplifies this belief (The Solitary Reaper).
  After detailed description and analysis of some valuable points in stylistic level such as phonology, lexicology, syntax, the paper aims to illustrate or deepen the comprehension level.
  II. Phonological Devices
  The beauty of the poetry is mainly showed in the rhythm and beat. The single phonology itself doesn’t have direct connection with the meaning, whereas the appropriate phonological connections could contribute to the expression of the emotion even meanings (劉曦芬,68).
  1. Meter
  In this poem, it consists of four eight-line stanzas. In each stanza every line has eight syllables (four feet), except for the fourth line, six syllables (three feet). In every line, the first syllable is unstressed, the second one is stressed, the third one is unstressed, and then the fourth is stressed, and so on. Thus the fourth lines are in iambic trimeter, the other lines are in iambic tetrameter.
  2. Rhyme
  Take the second stanza for example, “chaunt” and “haunt” rhyme; “bands” and “sands”; “heard” and “bird”; “seas” and “Hebrides”; so the general rhyme scheme is ababccdd, though in the first and last stanzas the “a” rhyme is off. In the first stanza, one sentence need two lines complete, in the second and third stanzas, every four lines compose one sentence, while in the fourth stanza, every three lines do. Thus makes the rhythm to change in form, with regular pattern while not monotonous(王佐良,丁往道73).
  III. Language
  In this poem, often lines consist mainly of monosyllabic words (4-5, 13, 17, 24, 27, 30-32). Wordsworth prefers common verbs: “behold”, “reap”, “sing”, “stop”, “pass”, “cut”, “bind”ect. Words imported into English from Latin or Greek, like “solitary” and “melancholy” are infrequent. Therefore the use of these kinds of words is suitable properly for his poetic language style--make everyone understand it.
  In the third stanza, the poet used a quantity of words connected with sorrow, such as “unhappy”, “battle”, “humble”, “lose”, and “pain”, showing the hardship of the labor ones. For the girl sang in Scottish Gaelic language, the poet doesn’t know the contents of the song. The use of “perhaps” and “may” increases the meaning of the consultation between the poet and the readers.   IV. Context
  1. Theme
  The poem mainly discusses the theme of the poetry. Songs are poetry too. We can see that he sees the girl as a poet because of the preface to Lyrical Ballads, in which he uttered his view on what poetry should be in much more definite terms (Chen Jia, 31).
  2. Image
  One important characteristic of poetry is the mass use of images. Image is the soul of language of poetry (秦秀白,82).It uses concrete pictures and figures to reveal the poet’s experience whether in intellectual or emotional aspects. The image is the quintessence of literature especially in poetry.
  Here the comparison arouses the readers’ imagination, which carries them to experience the inner world of the labors. It shows a kind of love for the life, eulogy for the hope.
  V. Conclusion
  In The Solitary Reaper, we can feel “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling” that Wordsworth identified at the heart of the poetry (Che Jia, 32). The poet described the low and rustic life with naked and simple words. In style, Wordsworth changed the Neo-classical artificial tradition, which gave great influence upon Shelly, Byron and Keats and paved the way for the Romantic Movement.
  [1]Che Jia.History of English Literature Volume III[D].Being Jing:Commercial Press,2006.
  [2]“The Solitary Reaper.”Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia.19 Dec.2009[DB/OL].
  [3]劉曦芬.文体分析对诗歌教学的启示[J].外语教学,2002(7): 65-73.
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