巴赫金的狂欢化诗学是一种熔铸诸多学科的独特的文艺思维方式 ,是世界性的文学批评文本。就《水浒传》外在形态及内部特质而言 ,都可称得上是一部狂欢化程度颇高的作品。首先 ,《水浒传》张扬了一种狂欢化的精神 ,即突破一般社会规范或秩序的反理性精神 ;在人物形象的塑造上 ,也蕴藏着狂欢化的勃勃生机 ,表现出崇高与卑下、磊落与猥琐、正与反、真与诞的性格双重性 ;再次 ,表现在体裁结构上 ,把高雅与粗俗、严肃与诙谐、神圣与滑稽、悲剧与喜剧成分融为一体 ,打破了各文体之间难以逾越的鸿沟 ,展现了狂欢化小说的未完成性、开放性和多义性。
Bakhtin’s carnivalesque poetics is a unique way of thinking about the ways of melting and casting many disciplines and is a worldwide text of literary criticism. As far as the Outlaws of the Marsh is concerned, both external forms and internal qualities can be regarded as a piece of carnivalism. First of all, the Outlaws of the Marsh publicized a carnivalesque spirit, that is, an anti-rational spirit that breaks through the general social norms and order. In shaping the characters, there is also a vigorous vitality in carnage, showing lofty and humble, And the insignificance, the opposite sex, the truth and the betrothal duality; again, manifested in the genre structure, the elegance and vulgarity, seriousness and witty, sacred and funny, tragedy and comedy composition integration, breaking between the various styles Insurmountable gap, showing the carnival novels of the unfinished, open and ambiguous.