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DIY是什么?DIY是“Do It Yourself”的英文缩写。最初兴起于电脑的拼装,逐渐演绎成为一种流行生活方式。简单来说,DIY就是自己动手制作,没有专业资质的限制,想做就做。使每个人都可以利用DIY做出一份私人订制表达自我的产品来。DIY现在已经流行于手工行业、设计行业,但美术教学领域的DIY还不多见。大多数美术老师都以模型、模特为基础让 What is DIY? DIY is the abbreviation of “Do It Yourself”. The initial rise in the computer assembly, and gradually become a popular way of life. Simply put, DIY is DIY, without professional qualification restrictions, want to do it. So that everyone can use DIY to make a personal custom expression of their products come. DIY is now popular in the manual industry, design industry, but art education DIY is rare. Most art teachers are based on models and models