1953年,Foote同Frazell注意到唾液腺的一种罕见肿瘤,他们称为腺泡细胞癌。后来的研究曾报告了腺泡细胞癌的临床和病理组织学特征,但例数较少。作者报告Memorial Sloan Ketering癌症中心1939~1968,三十年内经过治疗的67例腺泡细胞癌的研究总结,此癌占该院同一时期唾液腺肿瘤(2743例)的2.4%。肿瘤位于腮腺者64例。来源于颌下腺者1例。其他2例可能来源于鼻腔和牙龈的小唾液腺。在67例病人中,30例过去曾在别处接受过治疗,其中包括手术治疗22例,外照射2例,放疗合并手术治疗6例。局部复发的14
In 1953, Foote and Frazerll noticed a rare tumor of the salivary glands they called an acinar cell carcinoma. Subsequent studies have reported clinical and histopathological features of acinar cell carcinoma, but fewer cases. The authors report the Memorial Sloan Ketering Cancer Center from 1939 to 1968. The study of 67 cases of acinar cell carcinoma treated in 30 years showed that this cancer accounted for 2.4% of salivary gland tumors (2743 cases) in the same period of the hospital. There were 64 cases of tumor located in the parotid gland. One case originated from the submandibular gland. The other 2 cases may be from the small salivary glands of the nasal cavity and gums. Of the 67 patients, 30 had previously been treated elsewhere, including 22 in surgical treatment, 2 in external exposure, and 6 in combination with radiotherapy. Locally recurring 14