As we all know, the map is the most important feature of geography, the map is called the second language of geography, geography teaching is indispensable, then how to use the map to serve geography teaching? This requires the use of maps have a correct Understanding, the map is an image, rich in image expression, is intuitive and concise knowledge. Because we all know that the geography discipline in the Anhui Province is not included in the examination subjects. At present, under the environment of the examination as a baton, schools, parents and students do not attach importance to geographical study. Their understanding of the map can be said to be almost empty. Therefore, the students’ basic knowledge of geography is extremely weak and they are out of touch with high school geography teaching. Geography teaching brings a lot of resistance. Into the high school stage, the geographical position has changed, became the college entrance examination subjects. Students attach importance to geography, but also attach importance to the use of maps, but there are some misunderstandings on how to use the map. To this end, I would like to talk about my experiences in high school geography teaching for many years