The expression characteristics and biological significance of bFGF, EGF,TGF-β isoforms and their rec

来源 :感染、炎症、修复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vict1234
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To observe the localization and expression characteristics of alpha-smooth muscle actin (AS-MA), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β) isoforms, and their receptors in fetal and adult skins in order to explore their potential biological significance.Methods: The expression and the distribution of ASMA, bFGF, EGF, TGF-βisoforms, and their receptors were detected with immunohistochemistry and histopathology methods in 36 skin specimens. Among them, 30 specimens belonged to fetuses at different developmental stages and 6 were from adults. Results:Positive immunohistochemical signals of ASMA, bFGF, EGF, and TGF-βisoforms and their receptors could be found in fetal and postnatal skins.These factors were mainly distributed in the cytoplasm and extracellular matrix of epidermal cells, endothelial cells,hair follicle epithelial cells and some fibroblasts. Receptors of these factors were mostly located in the cellular membrane of the above mentioned cells, while protein particles of ASMA could be observed in myofibroblasts and sweat gland cells. Along with ascent in gestational age, the positive cellular rates of bFGF, EGF, TGF-βisoforms, their receptors, and ASMA in skin were elevated progressively. In skins specimens obtained from fetuses of late-trimester (29-31 week gestation) and adult, the positive rates of these proteins were significantly raised in comparison with skin of fetuses of early-trimester. Conclusion: The endogenous bFGF, EGF, three TGF-βisoforms and their receptors might be involved in the development of the skin in embryonic stage and in the cutaneous structure and function,and also wound healing in adult stage. The relative lack of these factors and their receptors might be one reason why the wound of fetus heal by regeneration rather than by scarring.
血小板糖蛋白Ⅱ b/Ⅲ a受体拮抗剂在急性心肌梗死的经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)中有非常好的应用前景.冠心病的PCI治疗可以引起强烈的血小板活化,而血小板糖蛋白Ⅰb/Ⅲ a受体
目的探讨分析目前应用机械通气治疗早产儿肺透明膜病效果及存在的问题。方法对2 4名胎龄平均为 31.2周 ,出生体重平均为 16 15 g的早产儿肺透明膜病患儿进行传统呼吸
眼球摘除术后或眼内容物剜除术后 ,如患者眼窝不能安装义眼 ,或安装义眼以后出现偏斜 ,或脱出 ,即说明存在着不同程度的眼窝狭窄 ,需要进行结膜囊成形术。用阴道粘膜移植治疗
患者 ,女 ,1 3岁。 5个月前在我院确诊为慢性粒细胞白血病。给于干扰素、羟基脲治疗 ,肝脾缩小出院。近来又出现乏力症状。于 2 0 0 1年 9月 1日再次入院。体检 :一般情况可
1 病例资料【例 1】  6 7岁。因绝经 11年 ,下腹包块 1年入院。患者于 1年前触及下腹包块 ,能活动 ,无压痛 ,无尿频、尿痛及大小便困难 ,近来消瘦 ,大便干燥。有糖尿病史7~
目的用乳糖H2呼吸试验测定正常人群的OCTT.方法用CM型微量H2分析仪,采用Solomon氏方法,以18克乳糖为底物对109例乳糖吸收不良者作BHT,测定口服乳糖到肺泡气含H2 20ppm所需的