1960年,世界出现第一束激光;1972年,第一台工业用激光切割机诞生;1985年,第一台光纤激光器研制成功;20世纪90年代,激光焊接设备功率升至20kW;2003年,千瓦级碟片激光器成功应用于材料加工……,短短40余年,激光已悄然改变了我们的世界。上面几个数字说明激光的历史是短暂的,激光的发展是迅速的。回顾工业激光的短暂历史,目睹激光工业的蓬勃发展,在这一进程中我们不能忽略一个名字——TRUMPF。2008年6月16日,作为《金属加工》杂志社上海之行的第一站,记者在通快华嘉有限公司上海总部采访了激光部总经理Guenther Weinmann先生。
In 1960, the first laser appeared in the world; in 1972, the first industrial laser cutting machine was born; in 1985, the first fiber laser was successfully developed; in the 1990s, the power of laser welding equipment rose to 20kW; in 2003, Kilo-level disc laser successfully used in material processing ... ..., just 40 years, the laser has quietly changed our world. The above figures show the history of the laser is short, the rapid development of the laser. Recalling the brief history of industrial lasers, witnessed the thriving laser industry, in this process we can not ignore the name TRUMPF. On June 16, 2008, as the first stop of Shanghai’s “Metalworking” magazine trip, the reporter interviewed Mr. Guenther Weinmann, general manager of Laser Department, at the Shanghai headquarters of Tonka China.