课堂节奏,是教师根据教材和学生的实际,通过各种形式和手段,使三者形成和谐统一而又有规律性的运动,它是教材的思想内容和学生思维活动及教师的理解传达在课堂上的综合反映,它在课堂教学中形成,贯穿于整个教学活动的始终,是课堂教学的外部表现形态。如何使课堂节奏恰到好处地体现在课堂教学上,它到底受哪些因素的制约呢?下面谈些浅见: 一、课堂节奏必须符合教材实际确定课堂节奏,必须以教材为基础,教材内容丰富多彩,体现出感情基调各不相同,一般来说,欢乐幽默时用明快的节奏,明丽活泼时用轻柔的节奏,热烈豪迈时用高昂的节奏,
Classroom rhythm is based on the teaching materials and the students’ actual conditions, through various forms and means, so that the three forms a harmonious and unified and regular movement. It is the ideological content of the teaching materials and the students’ thinking activities and the understanding of the teachers communicated in the classroom. On the comprehensive reflection, it is formed in the classroom teaching, runs through the entire teaching activity and is the external manifestation of classroom teaching. How to make the classroom rhythm reflected in the classroom teaching exactly, what factors it is constrained? Here to talk about some simple ideas: First, the classroom rhythm must meet the teaching material to determine the classroom rhythm, must be based on teaching materials, teaching materials rich and colorful, reflect The tone of feelings varies, generally speaking, with a bright rhythm of joy and humor, a soft rhythm when lively and bright, and a high rhythm when warm and heroic.