(本刊讯)20年携手同心情系社会、20年风雨同路进献爱心! 8月23日晚,富力地产与各城市业主代表相聚北京!这晚,富力会3层高朋满座、星光熠熠。在国际乒坛巨人,大满贯得主张继科现场倾情关注下,随着来自广州富力的业主代表温方廷以3:1力克北京富力业主代表汤凯赢得男单冠军,以“创建非凡、至善共生”理念为主题的“2013富力乒乓达人秀全国总决赛”圆满落下帷幕。经过1个多月的激烈鏖战,11座富力联
(本刊 信) 20 years hand in hand with the community, 20 years of struggle with love! On the evening of August 23, R & F Properties and the owners of each city gathered in Beijing! This night, the Fuli will be filled with 3 layers of friends, star-studded. Under the spotlight of international table tennis giant and Grand Slam winner Zhang Jike, Winfair Weng from the owner of Guangzhou R & F won the men’s singles title with 3: 1 Lectra from Beijing R & F owner Tang Kai, Good symbiosis “concept as the theme ” 2013 R & F ping-pong Daren show national finals "successfully concluded. After more than a month of fierce fighting, 11 R & F Union