一直不温不火的3D电视技术看来是真要退出历史舞台了。近日就有相关消息表明,全球最大的2家面板厂商LG与三星计划在今年大幅削减甚至放弃3D电视产品生产线。1 3D电视曾名噪一时2009年3D电影《阿凡达》的重磅登场和次年世界杯的开幕,促进了3D技术从电影荧幕向电视屏幕的延伸。接着经过几年的市场培育后,在消费者中的认知度显著提高,同时3D技术也日趋成熟,价格趋向平民化,3D电
3D telecine technology has been tepid appears to be really out of the stage of history. Related news recently showed that the world’s two largest panel makers LG and Samsung plans to significantly reduce or even abandon the 3D television product line this year. 1 3D TV Once Upon a Time In 2009, the heavy debut of the 3D movie “Avatar” and the opening of the World Cup of the following year facilitated the extension of 3D technology from the movie screen to the television screen. Followed by several years of market cultivation, the awareness of consumers increased significantly, while 3D technology is also becoming more mature, the price tends to civilian, 3D electricity