2008年我国学者将“伴有血同型半胱氨酸升高的原发性高血压”命名为“H型高血压”(H-type hypertension)~([1])。历时8年,对H型高血压的探索在不断深入,也备受我国医务工作者关注。仅2015年,从维普数据和万方数据端共计检索出近180篇相关论文。对H型高血压的命名和深入研究,是我国学者立足本国人群特点,探索出的一条科学循证、适合中国心脑血管疾病防治策略的创新之路。本文旨在
In 2008, Chinese scholars named “Hypertensive Hypertension with Essential Homocysteine” as “H-type hypertension” ([1]). It lasted for eight years and the exploration of Hypertension continued to deepen, which was also paid close attention to by medical workers in our country. In 2015 alone, nearly 180 related papers were retrieved from both VIP and Wanfang data sources. The naming and in-depth study of H-type hypertension is an innovative approach explored by our scholar based on the characteristics of the Chinese population based on scientific evidence-based medicine and suitable for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in China. This article aims