20 0 1年以来 ,青岛市建委从大力精减行政审批事项入手 ,在源头治理腐败方面做了一些积极的探索 ,将原有的118项行政审批事项精减掉 87项 ,另有2 3项下放给建筑工程管理局 ,建委机关本身只保留了 8项。精减、下放的幅度达 93.2 %。此举一出 ,在当地引起广泛的反响 ,深受基层企
Since 2001, the Qingdao City Construction Committee has done a lot of active explorations in tackling corruption at the source by greatly reducing the number of administrative examination and approval matters, reducing 87 of the 118 administrative examination and approval items, and another 23 Decentralized to the Construction Authority, Construction Authority itself only retained eight. Reduced, decentralized 93.2%. This move has aroused widespread repercussions in the locality and was well received by grassroots enterprises