信息安全行业市场硝烟四起,引人关注,成了“热门”话题。某专业媒体报道说,今年我国信息安全市场可达1000亿人民币;有关专业管理人士对此“火爆”市场另有看法:他认为,我国的信息安全产业热中有虚,存在“虚热”;专家学者也纷纷发表意见,他们认为:我国目前一千多家登记注册的信息安全企业, 大部分还没有真正形成产业规模,有相当市 场份额却被国外安全企业所占领。对信息安 全市场,虽然众说纷纭,但是有一条共同看 法,那就是信息安全行业的市场充满着生机 与挑战。本刊特约记者卢文聪和他的同事们 是专门从事咨询调查的专业人员,他们对我 国信息安全市场进行了大量的调查研究与分 析,文章资料丰富,数据翔实可靠,有分析、 有比较、有预测、有结论,图文并茂,读后给 人启发,令人振奋。
The information security industry market has attracted attention and has become a “hot” topic. According to a professional media report, China’s information security market can reach 100 billion yuan this year; relevant professional management people have other views on this “hot” market: He believes that China’s information security industry is hot and there is “deficiency”; Experts and scholars have also expressed their opinions. They believe that most of the more than 1,000 registered information security companies in China have not really formed an industrial scale, but have a considerable market share but are occupied by foreign security companies. Although the opinions on the information security market are divergent, there is a common view that the market for the information security industry is full of vitality and challenges. The special correspondent Lu Wencong and his colleagues are professionals who specialize in consulting and investigation. They conducted a lot of research and analysis on the information security market in China. The articles are rich in information, and the data are informative, reliable, analytical, comparative and predictive. There are conclusions and illustrations that are inspiring after reading.