世界经济 华盛顿专电 1986年12月,世界 最大的私人企业埃克森石油公司宣布将它坐落在纽约的国际业务大厦出售给日本三井地产公司。 两年以前,埃克森公司还堪称财大气粗,不可一世。它的年营业额超过1000亿美元,比一个中等国家的年国民生产总值还多。在它那象征着权势颠峰的54层国际业务大厦里,一度曾有2000多名职员与公司遍布各地的据点频繁联系。不过两年,埃克森竟和另一家股东洛克菲勒财团同意以6.1亿美元的价格出让大
World Economy Washington Power In December 1986, the world’s largest private company, Exxon Petroleum, announced that it would sell its International Business Building located in New York to Japan’s Mitsui Real Estate. Two years ago, Exxon was also called a wealthy person. Its annual turnover exceeds 100 billion U.S. dollars, more than the gross national product of a medium country. In its 54-storey international business building, which symbolizes the peak of power, there were once more than 2,000 employees who frequently contacted the company’s locations throughout the country. But for two years, Exxon and another shareholder Rockefeller consortium agreed to sell for $610 million.