1案情摘要据死者母亲介绍:某日下班回家,见2岁儿子睡于床上身盖毛巾被,以为孩子正在熟睡,未加注意。但经过一段时间仍未醒,遂上前细看时,发现口唇发紫,已无呼吸、心跳,即报案。因丈夫一直在家,疑夫所为。2 尸体检查死者为2岁9个月男童。发育正常,营养较差,较为消瘦。尸长87cm,尸斑于项背部,呈暗紫红色,指压稍褪色,角膜中
1 Case Summary According to the deceased mother introduced: one day after returning home to work, see 2-year-old son was sleeping in bed covered with towels, that children are asleep, did not pay attention. However, after a period of time has not yet woke up, then stepped forward and scrutinized, I found the lips purple, no breathing, heartbeat, that is reported to the public. Because of her husband has been at home, suspect to do. 2 The dead were 2-year-old and 9-month-old boy. Normal development, poor nutrition, more weight loss. Body length 87cm, corpse spot in the back of the item, was dark purple, finger pressure fade slightly, the cornea