在涂料市场上,品种繁多、五花八门的涂料鱼龙混杂。优劣难辨。确实令人担忧。有的新刷涂料脱粉、起皮、变色,有的臭味多日不散,那么怎样才能避免上述问题呢? 首先在认购产品时正确把握产品的质量与价格。一般内墙普通涂料为0.7~1.00元/kg;乳胶漆在4.00~20.00元/k9,视等级而论价。二是认准商标品牌,不论国产、进口或“合资”产品,只要是合格产品,必须具备下列条件:①注册商标:②产品型号:③生产单位;④执行标准:⑤出厂日期:⑥保质期限;⑦贮存说明:⑧包装规格(即产品重量),还有的注明了单位或质量等级。三是感观和手感,搅动涂
In the paint market, a wide variety of paints and dragons are mixed. The quality is hard to distinguish. It is indeed worrying. Some new brush coatings remove powder, peeling, discoloration, and some odors persist for many days. How can we avoid the above problems? First, we must correctly grasp the quality and price of products when we purchase products. General interior wall common paint is 0.7 ~ 1.00 yuan/kg; latex paint is 4.00 ~ 20.00 yuan/k9, depending on the level of price. The second is to look for trademark brands, regardless of domestic, imported or “joint venture” products, as long as it is a qualified product, must meet the following conditions: 1 registered trademark: 2 product model: 3 production units; 4 implementation of standards: 5 date of manufacture: 6 shelf life ;7 Storage instructions: 8 packaging specifications (ie product weight), and some indicate the unit or quality level. The third is the sense and feel, stir the coating