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民间传统节日,是人民群众在长期物质生产与精神生产过程中形成的非物质文化遗产,它具有族群认同、社群整合、社会交际、文化教育、道德教化、文体娱乐、经济贸易以及文化承载等功能。民间传统节日的保护具有重大的时代意义。但民间传统节日现状却不容乐观,需要我们共同努力,加以保护。 The traditional folk festival is an intangible cultural heritage formed by the masses of people in the process of long-term material production and spiritual production. It has such features as ethnic identity, social integration, social communication, culture and education, moral education, sports and entertainment, economic and trade, and cultural bearer Features. The protection of folk traditional festivals is of great epoch significance. However, the status quo of traditional folk festivals is not optimistic and requires our joint efforts to be protected.
李宇春的本职是歌手,偶尔会拍戏。她还有个爱好——摄影,不是玩自拍,而是正儿八经地玩器材——她在非洲的摄影作品被WWF世界自然基金会选用,作为动物保护宣传照。李宇春说,这是意外之喜,她其实是把摄影作为一种交友的方式。  时刻准备抓拍  李宇春比较内向,话不多,也不大善于跟人交流。遇上饭局聚会之类的活动,她总觉得没办法加入别人的话题,结果最后多半是一堆人聊得火热,她找个角落坐着,看起来很酷。  她跟朋