
来源 :新课程(中) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:supxch
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随着素质教育的深入开展,课程改革的不断深化,教学方法的不断改进,构建高效课堂已成为新时期广大教育工作者需要完成的重大使命。在初中阶段,英语是一门比较重要的学科,关乎学生未来的发展。构建高效英语课堂能够激发学生的学习兴趣,培养他们的综合素养,促进他们的全面发展。因此,对新课改下构建初中英语高效课堂策略予以分析。 With the further development of quality education, the continuous deepening of curriculum reform, the continuous improvement of teaching methods and the construction of efficient classrooms have become the major tasks to be accomplished by the vast number of educators in the new era. In the junior high school stage, English is a relatively important subject, relates to the student’s future development. Building an effective English classroom can stimulate students’ interest in learning, cultivate their comprehensive qualities and promote their all-round development. Therefore, the new curriculum reform to build junior high school English efficient classroom strategy be analyzed.
摘要:采用随机区组法,以龙庆稻2号和垦鉴稻5号为试验材料,研究肥水互作對寒地水稻品质的影响。结果表明,2个品种的碾磨、外观、营养品质和米饭食味评分肥料间与水分间存在互作反应。相同的N、P、K肥施用量时(F1和F2),适当地增加镁肥的施用(F2)使2个品种长宽比增加;垩白粒率、垩白度、直链淀粉含量和脂肪酸含量降低;米饭食味评分提高。有效分蘖末至收获以-15 kPa为控水下限的水分管理不利于提高2个品