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晚清时期,中国形成了半殖民地半封建的社会形态,经历了一个漫长而逐步变化的历史过程。外国势力的不断侵略和中国社会内部频发的危机始终贯穿于这一过程。由于列强的入侵,中国的传统社会结构受到猛烈冲击,逐渐瓦解,新的社会因素和社会结构成长起来,给衰落中的中国传统社会带来一线生机。在各种新生的社会因素中,最主要的新因素就是近代资本主义生产关系,以及由此而产生的资产阶级和无产阶级,这为中国社会从传统向近代的转变准备了最重要的内在条件。《古城轶事》以安徽的历史古城安庆及清末至大革命时期为背景,通过对巡抚、藩台、文武进士、地方豪绅、码头工人、城市贫民和英国侵略军等形形色色人物复杂关系的描写,讲述了古城安庆的新军起义、革命党刺杀、都督焚烟和打击英国不法商人的故事,弘扬了革命党人驱逐黑暗、追求光明的伟大壮举,抨击了清政府以及反动政权维护统治、欺压百姓的罪恶行径,歌颂了工农群众进行卓绝斗争的大无畏精神,得出了“唯有共产党才能救中国”的必然结论。由此,该文从小说的历史文化背景切入,阐述作品涉及的历史背景、风土人情、政治思想、传统文化等因素,并以此为基础,分析相关历史文化背景中的人物形象,探讨小说的思想内涵。 During the late Qing Dynasty, China formed a semi-colonial and semi-feudal social form and underwent a long and gradual process of change. The continuous invasion by foreign forces and the frequent crises in Chinese society have always run through this process. Due to the invading powers, the traditional social structure of China was severely affected and gradually collapsed, and new social factors and social structures were brought up to bring about a glimmer of vitality for the Chinese traditional society in decline. Among the various newborn social factors, the most important new factor is the modern capitalist relations of production, and the resulting bourgeoisie and proletariat, which provide the most important internal conditions for the transformation of Chinese society from tradition to modern times . Based on the historical city of Anqing in Anhui Province and the late Qing Dynasty to the Great Revolution, the anecdote of ancient city tells the complicated relationship between the governor, the feudal tribes, the civil and military scholars, the local tyrants, the dock workers, the urban poor and the British invading army. The story of An Xinjun uprising in the ancient city of Anqing, the assassination of the revolutionary party, the burning of captives and cracking down on unscrupulous traders in Britain carried forward the great feat of the revolutionaries in expelling the dark and pursuing the light and attacked the Qing government and the reactionary regime in safeguarding the rule and oppressing the people Guilty acts of evil, praised the dauntless spirit of the workers and peasants in their fierce struggle and reached the necessary conclusion that “only the Communists can save China”. Therefore, based on the historical and cultural background of the novel, this essay expounds the historical background, customs, political thoughts and traditional culture involved in the work. On the basis of this, this essay analyzes the characters in the relevant historical and cultural backgrounds, Thought connotation.
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