从大围山自然保护区 8种植被 ,4种土壤类型 ,4个海拔高度采集到土壤标样 40份 ,进行土壤真菌分离鉴定。共鉴定出 85种真菌 ,分属于 6个纲 11个目 44个属。对鉴定出的种类进行植物病原菌拮抗活性测定 ,有 8个种的拮抗系数达 2~ 3,13个种拮抗系数达 1~ 2 ,具有拮抗活性的菌株共有 2 1种 ,占鉴定种类的 2 5 %。
40 soil samples were collected from 8 kinds of vegetation, 4 kinds of soil types and 4 altitudes in Dawei Mountain Nature Reserve, and the soil fungi were isolated and identified. A total of 85 species of fungi were identified, belonging to 44 families of 11 orders and 6 orders. The antagonistic activity of phytopathogenic fungi was tested for the identified species. The antagonistic index of 8 species was 2 ~ 3 and the antagonistic index of 13 species was 1 ~ 2. There were 21 strains with antagonistic activity, accounting for 25% of the identified species %.