用于临床的紧急避孕方法有很多,小剂量米非司酮用于紧急避孕已有多年,目前用于72小时内紧急避孕,已取得较好的避孕效果。为探讨2 5mg米非司酮用于无保护性性交后72~1 2 0小时内紧急避孕的效果,本文对1 4 6例无保护性性交后72~1 2 0小时内紧急避孕的健康妇女,一次性服用2 5mg
There are many emergency contraception methods for clinical use. Small doses of mifepristone have been used in emergency contraception for many years. Currently, it is used for emergency contraception within 72 hours and better contraceptive efficacy has been achieved. In order to investigate the effect of 25 mg mifepristone on emergency contraception within 72-120 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, we studied the effects of emergency contraception on 126 cases of unprotected sexual contact within 72-120 hours , Take a one-time 25mg