山东的花生、鲁西黄牛和烟台苹果,素有山东“三宝”的美名,近几年,在青岛港口,山东“三宝”源源不断装船起锚,漂洋过海,远销日本和欧洲各国,为国家换回了大量外汇。这些外贸所创的成绩里有青岛动植物检疫局的一份汗马功劳。 山东鲁西黄牛素以肉质细嫩、味道鲜美而深受日本人的青睐,日本商人一直想从中国进口鲁西黄牛,只是由于日本官方把我国列为动物疫病一类地区,明令禁止鲁西
Shandong peanut, Luxi cattle and Yantai apple, known as the Shandong “Sambo” reputation, in recent years, Qingdao port, Shandong, “Sambo” a steady stream of anchor, across the oceans, exported to Japan and European countries , For the country in exchange for a large amount of foreign exchange. These foreign trade achievements in Qingdao Animal and Plant Quarantine has made a contribution. Shandong Luxi cattle prime meat with delicate, delicious taste and favored by the Japanese, Japanese businessmen have always wanted to import Luxi cattle from China, only because the Japanese government to our country as a category of animal diseases, banning Luxi