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  这是英国浪漫主义诗人济慈(1795-1821)写给恋人芬妮·勃劳恩的情书。1818年,23岁的济慈认识并爱上了邻家少女勃劳恩,并在伦敦订婚。后来,他因看护弟弟而传染了肺结核病。1820年,他在友人的陪伴下去意大利休养,但还是于1821年 2月23日在罗马去世。此信写于济慈去世前不久,表达了他对恋人的爱,以及对两人关系的担忧。
  Wednesday Morning. (Kentish Town, 1820)
  My Dearest Girl,
  I have been a walk this morning with a book in my hand, but as usual I have been thinking nothing but you. I am 1)tormented day and night. They talk of my going to Italy. It is certain I shall never 2)recover if I am to be so long separate from you; yet with all this 3)devotion to you, I cannot persuade myself into any 4)confidence of you.
  You are so 5)desirable to me -the air I breathe in a room empty of you is unhealthy. I am not the same to you -no -you can wait -you have a thousand 6)activities -you can be happy without me. Any party, anything to fill up the day has been enough.
  How have you passed this month- Who have you smiled with- All this may seem 7)savage in me. You do no feel as I do -you do not know what it is to love -one day you may -your time is not come.
  I 8)appeal to you: Do not write to me if you have done anything this month which it would have pained me. You may have changed -if you have not -if you still 9)behave in dancing rooms and others societies as I have seen you -I do not want to live -if you have done so, I wish this coming night may be my last.
  I cannot live without you, and not only you but 10)chaste you; 11)virtuous you. The Sun rises and sets, the day passes, and you do whatever you like -you don't know the 12)miserable feeling that passes through me in a day -Be serious! Love is not a plaything -and again do not write unless you can do it with a crystal 13)conscience. I would sooner die for 14)want of you than -
  Yours forever
  J. Keats

[摘要]本文从大学生的情感入手,分析了大学生情感的特点,提出了大学生保持积极而愉快的情感的方法:即自我激励法、言语暗示法、注意迁移法、脱敏疗法、咨询渲泄法、行为补偿法等。  [关键词]思想政治教育 积极情感 调适  [中图分类号]G645 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005—5843(2007)03—0141—02  [作者简介]王兴杰,浙江工业大学纪委书记、副教授(浙江杭州 310
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[摘要]高职高专“两课”教学可采用如下教学计划:基本理论教学占总学时的30%,针对热点、难点、疑点进行专题式教学占总学时的60%,社会实践教学占总学时的10%。这种“361”教学模式是一种很有意义的教学改革探索。“361”教学模式有着鲜明的特点。它的实现离不开一系列必备的条件。  [关键词]高职高专 “两课”  “361”教学模式  [中图分类号]G642.0 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]
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