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学生在教育过程中处于主体地位。如何让学生真正成为历史教学的主体,成为获取知识的主动参与者,是摆在每个历史教师面前的永恒难题,本文结合高中历史教学,着眼于学生作为“人”的价值,从课堂氛围、历史情境、问题创设、自主学习、教学民主等方面提出解决问题的对策和建议。 Students in the process of education in the main position. How to make the students truly become the main body of history teaching becomes the active participant in gaining knowledge is an eternal puzzle in front of every teacher of history. This paper combines the history teaching of senior high school with the focus on students’ value as Atmosphere, historical situation, the creation of problems, independent study, teaching democracy and other aspects of the proposed solutions to problems and suggestions.