
来源 :中西医结合肝病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianjuyy
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妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症(intrahepatic chololestasis of pregenancy,ICP)是一种妊娠期所特有的肝内胆汁淤积,临床以皮肤瘙痒和黄疸为特征,多发于妊娠晚期,病程经过一般比较良好,常随妊娠中止而迅速恢复,故又称良性妊娠黄疸。本病当属中医“黄疸”范畴。我院自1996年以来收治了17例ICP患者,采用中西医结合疗法,取得了一定的效果,现报告如下。 1 对象和方法 1.1 诊断要点 ①妊娠中晚期出现皮肤瘙痒,伴或不伴有黄疸;②伴黄疸者,血清总胆红素升高(主要为结合型),且有碱性磷酸酶活性升高;③HAV、HBV、HCV及HEV标志物检测均为阴性;④超声波检查未见胆道系统异常。 1.2 一般资料 17例患者,年龄22~35岁,2例为中期妊娠,其余15例均为晚期妊娠,初产妇14例(82.4%),经产妇3例(17.6%),全部病例于发病前12个月内无口服避孕药史,6个 Intrahepatic choloestasis of pregenancy (intrahepatic cholelostasis of pregenancy, ICP) is a pregnancy-specific intrahepatic cholestasis, clinical skin pruritus and jaundice is characterized by multiple in late pregnancy, the course of the disease generally better, often with pregnancy Suspension and rapid recovery, it is also known as benign pregnancy jaundice. The disease is a Chinese medicine “jaundice” category. 17 cases of ICP patients admitted to our hospital since 1996, using Integrative Medicine, and achieved some results, are as follows. 1 objects and methods 1.1 The main points of diagnosis ① pruritus occurred in the late pregnancy, with or without jaundice; ② with jaundice, elevated serum total bilirubin (mainly conjugated), and alkaline phosphatase activity increased ; ③HAV, HBV, HCV and HEV markers were negative; ④ ultrasound examination showed no biliary system abnormalities. 1.2 General information 17 patients, aged 22 to 35 years, 2 cases of interim pregnancy, and the remaining 15 cases were late pregnancy, primipara 14 cases (82.4%), 3 cases of mothers (17.6%), all cases before onset 12 months without oral contraceptive history, 6
我们自1997年10月~1999年10月采用胸腺肽联合乙肝1号片治疗慢性乙型肝炎30例,取得较好疗效,现报道如下: 1 一般资料 74例慢性乙型肝炎患者均为我院肝病中心门诊病人,诊断均符
1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 65例患儿均为本院肝病中心儿科门诊病人。治疗组33例,其中男17例,女16例,平均年龄为8.63岁,纳差25例,恶心11例,呕吐8例,乏力30例,胁痛20例,目黄