当前,在国家继续实行货币适度从紧系列政策的宏观调控下,社会总供给大于社会总需求矛盾越来越突出,产品销售难、难销售,已成为制约当前不少企业经济发展的“瓶颈”。怎样拓开这个“瓶颈”?笔者谈点看法,以就教于大家。 一、要变坐等市场好转为主动出击市场。眼下的产品销售,前些年那种销售人员百来人,坐等用户找上门,开开票,把把门,不跑市场照样行”的状况已不复存在了,寄希望手社会中的“时事效应”以带来产品销售。奇迹。也不现实,唯有正视困难,正视现实,积极谋划销售战略,动员一切可以动员的力量,主动出击市场,才能化腐朽为神奇,变企业内有竞争实力的各大产品由平销到热销,由滞销到畅销。
At present, under the macro-control of the country’s continuous implementation of a moderately stringent monetary policy, the total social supply is greater than the total social demand. The contradiction between products is becoming more and more prominent, and sales of products are difficult and difficult to sell. This has become a “bottleneck” restricting the economic development of many current enterprises. . How to expand this “bottleneck”? The author talks about the point of view to teach you. First, to wait for the market to take a better turn to take the initiative to attack the market. The current sales of products, the kind of sales people in the past few years, waiting for the user to come to the door, open the invoice, the door, do not run the market still do“ condition no longer exists, send the hope of the hands of the ”current events "In order to bring about product sales, miracles are not realistic. Only by facing up to difficulties, facing reality, actively planning sales strategies, mobilizing all forces that can be mobilized, and taking the initiative to attack the market, can we turn into a miraculous enterprise and become competitive in the enterprise. The major products range from flat sales to hot sales, from slow sales to best-selling.