This special APSB issue marks the beginning of a series of celebratory events for the 10-year anniversary of the journal.It was June 2011,when the first issue of the journal was published.It has been an exciting decade for the growth of the journal,which began publishing bimonthly and was changed to monthly in 2020 to meet the ever-increasing demand for journal space.The inau-gural issue had 10 articles,including two reviews and eight research articles.From the beginning,the editors set high stan-dards and expectations.The annual editorial report for the first year showed a rejection rate of 85%;today,the rejection rate is over 93%.The initial goal of reaching an impact factor of 3 was quickly reached;now the impact factor is above 7.The journal has established itself as a leading international journal in pharma-ceutical sciences in a relatively short time,an accomplishment well worth celebrating!