举世瞩目的第十一届亚运会,即将于今年(1990)进入金秋季节的9月,在我们伟大祖国首都北京城隆重拉开战幕!这届亚运会将是亚洲体育史上规模空前的盛会! 为了在亚运会举办期间,更好地向国内外的广大来宾宣传瓷都景德镇瓷业,进一步弘扬我国优秀民族文化的代表——陶瓷文化,早在三年前,景德镇的有关部门就申请购买了1990年第十一届北京亚运会旅游、纪念瓷的生产、销售专利权。就在第十一届亚运会各项筹备工作大张旗鼓进行的同时,瓷都景德镇也积极投身于亚运会各种旅游、纪念瓷的设计与制作之
The 11th Asian Games attracting worldwide attention is about to be held in September this year (1990), autumn in September, in Beijing, the capital of our great motherland grandly opened! This Asian Games will be an unprecedented event in the history of Asian sports! During the period of the Asian Games, it is better to publicize the porcelain of Jingdezhen Porcelain both in China and abroad and to further promote the excellent ceramic culture of our country. As early as three years ago, the relevant departments of Jingdezhen applied for the purchase In 1990 the 11th Beijing Asian Games tourism, commemorating porcelain production and sales of patents. In the Eleventh Asian Games all preparations for the high-profile at the same time, porcelain Jingdezhen are also actively involved in the Asian Games tourism, to commemorate the design and production of porcelain