利用游戏化的管理软件持续刺激销售业绩?纽约SEO(搜索引擎优化)技术公司Conductor已经取得了耀眼的业绩:2009年总收入仅有10万美元,到2012年已经超过700万美元,收入增幅达6700%。CEO Seth Besmertnik及其团队成员面临的最大挑战是如何将这惊人的成果长期维持下去。他说销售团队必须“月复一月、年复一年地不断努力突破新记录,时刻不得放松,这是一项相当艰巨的任务”。因此,Besmertnik四下寻找一种可以持续激励团队,让旗舰产品Searchlight SEO平台更上一层楼的方法。
Continue to stimulate sales with gamified management software? New York SEO (search engine optimization) technology company Conductor has achieved dazzling results: total revenue in 2009 was only 100,000 US dollars, by 2012 has more than 700 million US dollars, an increase of revenue 6700%. The biggest challenge facing CEO Seth Besmertnik and his team members is how to sustain this amazing achievement for the long term. He said the sales team must “keep up with new records year after month, year after year, and never relax. This is a rather daunting task.” As a result, Besmertnik looked for a way to stay motivated and take the flagship Searchlight SEO platform to the next level.