档案升级工作中应把握好的几个问题: 一、要有主动意识。所谓主动意识,笔者理解是,一俟时机来临,定将牢牢把握,抓住战机,主动出击,绝不轻易错过战机。档案事业与原来比较,的确有很大的发展与变化,《档案法》的颁布、实施为档案工作提供了法律依据,国办发(89)57号文件为档案事业发展提供了条件,档案管理升(定)级的开展无疑是强化档案工作的一个手段,一个战机。以企业档案管理升级为例,企业档案管理升级以来,凡主动者,都取得了明显成绩,如我省已升省级先进1100多家,
Several issues should be grasped in the file upgrade work: First, there should be a sense of initiative. The so-called active awareness, the author understands that once the time comes, will firmly grasp, seize the aircraft, take the initiative, will not easily miss the aircraft. Archives and the original comparison, there is indeed a great deal of development and change, “Archives Law,” the enactment and implementation of the file provided a legal basis for the file, the State Council issued (89) 57 files for the development of the file provided the conditions for file management Ascension (fixed) level of development is undoubtedly a means of strengthening the file, a fighter. The case of enterprise file management upgrade, enterprise file management since the upgrade, where the initiative, have achieved remarkable results, such as our province has risen to more than 1,100 advanced provincial level,