国家3年来投资西部6000多亿 3年来,国家在西部地区新开工了36项重点工程,投资总规模6000多亿元。青藏铁路、西气东输、西电东送、水利枢纽、公路干线等关系西部地区发展全局的重大项目已全面开工。共建设和改造大型水库30多座,新增公路通车里程约5万公里,新建铁路新线1641公里、复线1311公里、电气化线路1370公里,新建和改扩建机场31个,西电东送工程在建装机容量2200多万千瓦。到今年9月底,57项西部开发基础设施工程累计完成投资960亿元,占总投资的33%,其中19个项目已投产。
Over the past 3 years, the country has invested more than 600 billion in the western region over the past three years. Over the past three years, the state has started 36 key projects in the western region with a total investment of over 600 billion yuan. The major projects concerning the overall development of the western region such as the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the West-East Gas Pipeline, the West-East Power Transmission Project, the Water Conservancy Project and the highways have started in full swing. A total of more than 30 large-scale reservoirs have been built and renovated. About 50,000 km of new roads have been opened to traffic, 1,641 km of new railway lines have been built, 1,311 km of second lines, 1,370 km of electrified lines, 31 new and expanded airports, Built capacity of more than 2200 kilowatts. By the end of September this year, a total of 57 projects under development in the western region had completed a total investment of 96 billion yuan, accounting for 33% of the total investment, of which 19 projects were put into operation.