通常情况下,大多数癌细胞在脱离实体瘤组织后,无法耐受机体血液环境的不适冲击。然而,有些顽强的癌细胞不仅幸免于难,还可以重新返回肿瘤原发灶,发挥促瘤组织生长的作用。近日,来自新墨西哥大学癌症中心的夫妻档研究团队Renata Pasqualini和Wadip Arap,在美国科学院院报(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,PNAS)杂志上发表了关于利用癌细胞“潜返”病灶特性进行抗肿瘤应用开发的文章。
Usually, most cancer cells can not tolerate the unfavorable impact of the body’s blood environment after they have detached solid tumor tissue. However, some tenacious cancer cells not only survived, but also returned to the primary tumor, play a role in promoting tumor growth. Renata Pasqualini and Wadip Arap, a couple research team from the University of New Mexico Cancer Center recently published a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on the use of cancer cells, “latent” lesions Anti-tumor application development article.