房室瓣环(二尖瓣环和三尖瓣环)是室性期前收缩( PVCs)较常见的好发区域,来源于此的PVCs心电图有其特有特征。熟悉心脏房室瓣环解剖结构、通过体表心电图特点对瓣环PVCs做出具体定位判断。通过有目的、有重点地在感兴趣部位进行仔细标测,射频导管消融对来源于此的PVCs有良好的疗效。现对二尖瓣环和三尖瓣环的解剖特点,心电图特征和射频导管消融进行综述。“,”The atrioventricular annulus ( mitral annulus and tricuspid annulus ) is a common predilection area of premature ventricu-lar contractions(PVCs).The electrocardiogram of the PVCs originating from atrioventricular annulus has its own characteristics .To be famil-iar with the anatomy of atrioventricular annulus ,and to locate the site of the PVCs from atrioventricular annulus by the characteristics of body surface electrocardiogram .Most of these PVCs can be cured by catheter ablation .In this article,we reviewed the anatomic features of mitral annulus and tricuspid annulus ,the characteristics of electrocardiogram of the PVCs originating from atrioventricular annulus and catheter abla -tion of these PVCs .