一心想“三连冠”的北京选手陈超如愿以偿,第三次登上“武状元”的领奖台;首次介入武术赛事经营的北京灵山咨询有限公司高兴地看到“待以虚位”的大赛杯名终于在赛前被四川一家酒厂以150万元的价格卖断,擂台赛制设计者——国家体委武术运动管理中心欣喜地发现:擂台赛制正在唤回失去的观众。 当’96(成都)中华武术散手擂台挑战立擂赛硝烟散去,能与者载满各自的收获离开赛场时,资深的武术界人士久久思索的不是这些成绩,而是推出青年的中华武术散手擂台赛制下一步往何处发展? 擂台赛,给武术发展注入了新的活力。这是界内人士的共同感受。过去,武术“叫好不叫座”,很重要的一个原因是比赛缺少吸引力。国家体委武术运动管理中心于三年前推出的擂台赛制,巧妙地借用了古代武术“打擂”与现代拳击“挑战”相结合的方式,通过设立“争
Chen Chao, a Beijing-runner who wanted to make “three consecutive championships,” got his wish and made his third podium victory at the Championship. Lingshan Consulting Co., Ltd., the first company involved in martial arts competitions, was pleased to see “waiting for a virtual seat.” Competition Cup name was finally before the game was a Sichuan winery sold for 1.5 million yuan price, ring system designer - National Sports Commission Wushu Martial Arts Management Center delightfully found: ring system is to recall the lost audience. When the ’96 (Chengdu) Chinese Wushu Sanshou challenge challenge LEGO match smoke to disperse, and those who filled with their own harvest to leave the arena, the senior martial arts community for a long time not think these achievements, but the launch of the young Chinese martial arts Sanshou ring competition where to develop the next step? Ring race, to the development of martial arts has injected new vitality. This is the common feeling of people in the world. In the past, martial arts “applauded”, a very important reason is the lack of attractive competition. The National Sports Commission Wushu Management Center introduced the ring system three years ago, cleverly borrowing the ancient martial arts “beat” and modern boxing “challenge” a combination of ways, through the establishment of "competition