马列主义典型理论,历来是衡量优秀文学的标尺。但是,在相当长的历史时 期,人们对这个标尺的认识,仅停留在个性与共性,独特性与普遍性相统一 这个层面,鲜有更深入的探讨。卢卡契指出,典型的基础是人物的智慧风貌。 清晰的智慧风貌是塑造典型的基本手段,也是结构作品的主要手法,更是完 整反映的主要途径。清晰的智慧风貌的描绘是文学不朽的基础,缺乏这方面 力度的作品,则是文学性衰败的象征,这一观点给马列经典理论输入了新血 液,具有极大的意义与价值。
The typical theory of Marxism-Leninism has always been a measure of outstanding literature. However, for a long period of history, people’s understanding of this scale has rarely been discussed in depth at the level of unity between individuality and commonality, uniqueness and universality. Lukacs pointed out that the typical foundation is the character’s wisdom. Clear wisdom is to shape the typical basic means, but also the main method of structural work, but also a complete reflection of the main way. The clear wisdom is portrayed as the foundation of immortality of literature. The lack of works in this area is the symbol of the decline of literature. This view has given new meaning to the classical theory of Marx and Lenin and has great significance and value.