猪苓是一味常用中药,为猪苓菌的菌核。野生资源已日趋枯竭,急待发展人工栽培。 一、选地与整地 猪苓生于海拔1000~3000米的次生阔叶树林中,系寄生植物,生于地下树根部,地上无苗。它宜于在气候凉爽、肥沃、湿润、腐殖质多的土壤及排水良好的二荒地上培育。可在选好的树林中,于近树根处拉长、宽各30厘米,深16厘米的土坑,或将土地耕
Polyporus umbellatus is blindly commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, bacteria Ling bacteria Ling bacteria. Wild resources have become increasingly depleted, and urgent need for the development of artificial cultivation. First, the selection and site preparation Poria was born at an altitude of 1000 to 3000 meters secondary broadleaved forest, the parasitic plants, was born in the roots of underground trees, no seedlings on the ground. It should be cultivated on cool, fertile, moist, humus-rich soils and well-drained two-barren land. Can be selected in the woods, elongated near the roots, 30 cm wide, 16 cm deep pit, or land farming