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韩中两国现代性戏剧的发生、发展史极为相似。19世纪末20世纪初,先出现改良传统戏曲而成的过渡性戏剧:唱剧(韩)、改良新戏(中),然后再接受日本新派剧的影响而创造出了早期话剧:韩国新派剧和中国文明戏。在这一过程中,韩中两国戏剧史虽有差异,但还是相似点更多。到了从早期话剧到现代话剧的转变时期,韩中两国戏剧史才出现了分歧:中国文明戏早就衰退,没有影响到五四话剧,所以作为五四新文化运动组成部分的话剧运动的发展比较顺利。但因为五四新文化运动一概否定所有的戏剧遗产,导致戏剧实践上有过一些困难。而当时韩国的新派剧还没有衰退,话剧运动的发展不得不与新派剧竞争,经历了不少磨难,其发展速度也比中国同时期话剧慢得多,但在种种困难之下坚持话剧运动的艺术精神绵绵不绝,至1930年代方得以实现。 The occurrence and development history of modern drama in South Korea and China are very similar. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there appeared the transitional drama of improving traditional drama: opera singing (South Korea), improving new drama (middle), and then receiving the influence of Japanese new drama to create the early drama: Chinese civilization drama. In this process, although there are differences in the history of Korean and Chinese theater, but still more similarities. In the period from the early stage of drama to the modern period of drama, the history of drama in South and China differed: the long decline of Chinese civilization and drama did not affect the May Fourth drama, so the development of the drama movement as part of the May Fourth New Culture Movement More smoothly. However, because the May Fourth New Culture Movement denied all the heritage of the drama, there were some difficulties in the practice of drama. At that time, the new drama in South Korea was still in recession. The development of the drama movement had to compete with the new drama. It had experienced many hardships and its development rate was much slower than that of the same period drama in China. However, under the various difficulties, it insisted on the drama movement The artistic spirit is endless, to be achieved by the 1930s.