我们爬上广西日报社一幢职工宿舍的7楼,敲开了司机吴冠中的家门,让我们喜出望外的是:我们有幸碰上了一次难得的“全家福”——吴冠中、黄肇策,还有他们的宝贝女儿、明眸皓齿的世界冠军吴艳艳。 家有名人 这些日子,他们家门庭若市,有有事先约好的,也颇多不速之客,“一直没停过,有时我们还在睡觉,外头就有人敲门了。”黄肇策说。尤其春节期间,一家三口被中央电视台《东方时空)摄制组寸步不离地盯了整整10天。 家有名人,感觉真不一样,在街上走,常有人认出吴艳艳来,缠着合影留念。吴冠中所在单位广西日报社的领导也“宣布’:世界冠军吴艳
We climbed up to the seventh floor of a staff quarters in Guangxi Daily and knocked on the door of driver Wu Guanzhong. We were fortunate enough to meet us with a rare “family portrait” - Wu Guanzhong, Huang Zhaoce, and their baby Daughter, bright eyes white teeth Wu Yanyan world champion. There are celebrities in these days, their family of people, there are prior appointments, but also a lot of uninvited guests, “has not stopped, and sometimes we are still sleeping, someone knocked outside.” Huang Zhaoxi said. In particular, during the Spring Festival, a family of three was stymied for a full 10 days by the CCTV “Oriental Time” crew. Family celebrities, I feel really different, walking in the street, often recognized Wuyan Yan, wrapped around a group photo. The head of Guangxi Daily, the unit where Wu Guanzhong is located, also announced: World champion Wu Yan