临床流行病学讲座 第四讲 病例对照研究

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在研究疾病与病因的关系时,通常根据描述性流行病学的结果,提出病因线索或假设,然后进行分析性流行病学研究,验证这个假设。分析性流行病学的第一步是先作病例对照研究,初步验证假设;在此基础上再作病例对照研究或前瞻性研究,进一步验证这个假设。病例对照研究是选择所研究疾病的一组病人与一组无此病的对照,调查他们对某些因素发病前某时期以来的暴露情况,比较两组中暴露率的差异,以研究该疾病与这个(些)因素的关系。如果病例组某因素的暴露率明显高于对照组,则认为该因素的与所研究的疾病有联系。可见,病例对照研究是:(1)在疾病发生后进行的,从已发病的患者中选择研究病例;(2)研究对象是按发病与否分成病例组与对照组;(3)调查的被研究因素的暴露是由研究 In the study of the relationship between disease and etiology, usually based on the results of descriptive epidemiology, etiological clues or assumptions are proposed, followed by analytical epidemiological studies to verify this hypothesis. The first step in analytical epidemiology is to conduct a case-control study and preliminary test hypotheses; based on this, a case-control study or prospective study will be conducted to further validate this hypothesis. A case-control study was conducted between a group of patients selected for the disease studied and a group of controls without this disease. Their exposure to a certain period of time before the onset of certain factors was investigated. Differences in exposure rates between the two groups were compared to study the disease and This (some) factor relationship. If the exposure rate of a factor in the case group is significantly higher than that of the control group, the factor is considered to be related to the disease being studied. It can be seen that the case-control study is: (1) After the onset of disease, select study cases from patients who have already developed; (2) Study subjects are divided into case group and control group according to whether they are affected or not; (3) The exposure of research factors is determined by research
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